Golden Princess Lilies

Saturday, August 1, 2015

GMO (GM) Roundup Ready Food Crops Were Created to Accommodate Spraying with Glyphosate 'key' ingredient in "Roundup"...

I never paid much attention to ORGANIC food.  It seemed wasteful to me to buy something that was 'special' when there was no need to do so.  In February this year, 2015, I was posting on my Facebook (FB) account, to my friends on the East Coast when I saw a news article come across my FB news feed that said something about GMO Roundup ready food crops ,and something called Glyphosate.  This peaked my curiosity so I went out onto the Internet and did some research on both GMO and Glyphosate.  I read many conflicting views on both of these subjects and soon came to realize that you could NOT have one without the other.  GMO (GM) Roundup ready food crops were created to accommodate spraying these crops with a chemical herbicide called Glyphosate, and I learned that Glyphosate is the 'key' ingredient in a commercially available product called "Roundup".   May I add here, that I read BOTH sides of this issue and watched several videos, most notable for me is a video made by Dr. Thierry Vrain, a noted Soil Biologists,  Genetic Scientist and former head of Molecular Biology at Agriculture Canada for thirty (30) years.  This was all it took for me to continue learning and blogging on my FB account about both GM Roundup ready food crops and Glyphosate.  My husband and I went ORGANIC at the end of February 2015.  After going ORGANIC we both lost all symptoms of Acid Reflux (GERD) that we both had for 21 years and I lost my Asthma that I suffered with for twenty one (21) years, which is the time period that GM Roundup ready food crops have been in our food supply here in California.
Which came first the chicken or the egg? I don't have the answer to that question, but I do know that if you ask me, "Which came first, GM (GMO) food OR Glyphosate," the answer would be GLYPHOSATE, which is the 'key' ingredient in Roundup. Today Roundup has 2,4D with Dioxin in the mix to help kill Franken weeds that are now growing in GM Roundup ready food crop fields. The Glyphosate story starts back in 1950 when Swiss chemists Henry Martin, who worked for the Swiss company 'Cilag' synthesized Glyphosate. Later in 1964 Stauffer Chemical acquired Glyphosate and patented it as a chemical chelator BECAUSE Glyphosate BINDS and REMOVED minerals,  calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. This is what Glyphosate does to food crops when it is sprayed on the crops and goes INSIDE the food crops.   When you eat  Roundup ready food crops,  you are deprived of essential minerals in your diet, for your health. GM food crops are NOT the same as ORGANIC food crops. The two are NOT equal.
Glyphosate was patented as an herbicide in 1974.
Compared to other herbicides Glyphosate was originally (1974) considered ideal because it did not outright kill animal life. Glyphosate kills plant life and it kills bacterial life through the Shikimate pathway found in both plants and in bacteria. What Monsanto scientists did not understand at that time (1974) is that all animal life, including human life, is dependent upon 'good' bacterial action in the gut where we have 70% of our immune system. Glyphosate destroys our immune systems. Glyphosate was patented as an ANTIBIOTIC and this patent was published in August, 2010. The original application to patent Glyphosate as an antibiotic was filed in August, 2003, so Monsanto KNEW as far back ac August, 2003 that Glyphosate was a POWERFUL antibiotic, and it killed bacterial life in both human guts and in animal guts. Monsanto STILL CLAIMED that Glyphosate was NOT harmful to people or animals, yet they knew it was harmful. The bacteria that Glyphosate does NOT KILL are Salmonella and E. coli. When the 'good' gut bacteria of both humans and animals are destroyed, both Salmonella and E.coli grow 'wild' in the gut and this leads to serious gut related illness.  Acid Reflux (GERD),  Leaky gut, celiac disease including Crohn's disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) plus other autoimmune diseases including Parkinson's are the result when Glyphosate kills off normal, healthy gut (flora) bacteria. Seventy per cent of our immune systems are located in our guts and this fact was proved with the research done during the "Human Geome Project"  back in the nineteen nineties. Monsanto and their paid PR people appear  to ignore the findings of the "Human Geome Project".
Monsanto's patent number for Glyphosate as an ANTIBIOTIC is US 7771736B2 . Go ahead, look it up on the Internet.
Glyphosate is a patented chelator, a patented herbicide and a patented antibiotic. And it goes INSIDE all food crops it is sprayed on , both Roundup ready food crops and other crops where it is sprayed upon harvest to dry the crops.
Glyphosate is sprayed on Roundup ready soy and corn food crops that are used to feed food animals. When food animals eat the Roundup ready food crops in feed lots, they only eat these crops, and this greatly increases the amount of Glyphosate that these animals ingest because Glyphosate is INSIDE these food crops. Glyphosate is bio-accumulating.  it is present in the meat of food animals when the animals are slaughtered. If Roundup ready GM alfalfa is approved for feeding dairy cows (cows are ruminants and eat grasses) we will see Glyphosate present in all food products made from dairy cows milk PLUS dairy cows will also have Salmonella and E. coli in their guts because Glyphosate used on GM alfalfa will destroy the good gut bacteria in dairy cows guts and this will affect all dairy products. Cows fed GM will end up with mainly Salmonella and E coli in their guts. Dairy products includes ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, butter. This will also increases the amount of Glyphosate that is ingested by human beings whom eat these dairy products as well as increase the chances of ingesting both Salmonella and E. coli from these GM dairy products. The only way to avoid this happening to you is to eat only ORGANIC dairy foods because GM with Glyphosate is NOT present in ORGANIC foods. Both harmful bacteria, Salmonella and E. coli, CAN be present in non-GMO foods because non-GMO classification is based ONLY on the presence of GMO (GM) in the food it is NOT based on the presence of Glyphosate in the food. Remember that some non-GMO foods can be sprayed with Glyphosate upon harvest and they include wheat, beans and sugar cane. Buy only ORGANIC in these products.
Today you are warned by our news media to be doubly careful to cook all poultry thoroughly because of Salmonella and E.coli contamination in poultry. Remember that chickens and turkeys, the most common forms of poultry in the Western diet, are fed GM soy and corn as their diet. They ingest a great deal of Glyphosate over the course of their feeding life because this IS all they eat. Glyphosate in the animal feed kills off all the good bacteria in their guts, allowing both Salmonella and E. coli, which are both present in their guts but kept in 'check' by good bacteria, to grow. Salmonella and E. coli are both present in mammals guts but good bacteria keep it in 'check'. When good bacteria are destroyed by Glyphosate,  Salmonella and E. coli, takes over the gut flora,  and causes illness. This is WHY slaughtered chickens and turkeys are prone to both Salmonella and E. coli infections today that they were NOT prone to thirty years ago. it is because the birds are fed Glyphosate rich grains, and their guts are filled with Salmonella and E. coli when they are slaughtered.   Often the contents of the gut comes in contact with the flesh during processing. This is WHY many 'farm' poultry processors dip all plucked chickens and turkey s in a strong 'chlorine bleach' solution trying to destroy the Salmonella and E. coli from the bird's guts, that has gotten on the birds flesh during processing. Chlorine bleach, (sodium hydroxide) is a caustic chemical and too much of on the bird's flesh from the dip can contaminate the meat. I remember about 5 years ago that we were cautioned to thoroughly cook eggs because eggs are 'sometimes' prone to Salmonella contamination for the same reason that the bird's flesh is prone to these infections. NOW both you and I KNOW WHY.
Numerous studies have been done that establish that Glyphosate attacks and destroys liver and kidney tissue in all mammals, and we are human mammals. When your liver is damaged it opens you up to type 2 diabetes. This helps to explain the large number of people today, living  in Western cultures where GM Roundup ready food crops are prevelant,  have type 2 diabetes.
Full fledged Glyphosate poisoning is very real, and happens to agricultural workers and sometime to everyday gardeners that come in close contact with Roundup by inhaling the air born particles and getting the product on their skin. Remember that there are adjunct (added to amplify) chemicals in Roundup that make it even easier for Glyphosate to penetrate both Roundup ready food crops and go INSIDE the crops, and penetrate human skin and go INSIDE human skin.
Carol Garnier Dutra

Dr. Berg explains that it is a damaged liver that opens you up to type 2 diabetes.  Remember that Glyphosate damages both kiidneys and liver in all mammals that ingest foods that contain Glyphosate.
..." However, data from the USDA, National Cancer Institutes, Centers for Disease Control, have recently surfaced, depicting at steep rise in the rates of kidney disease in the US from the time of the introduction of glyphosate and GM food (engineered primarily to withstand massive application of the herbicide). The death rates more than doubled over the past 30 years. "
"Celiac disease, and, more generally, gluten intolerance, is a growing problem worldwide, but especially in North America and Europe, where an estimated 5% of the population now suffers from it. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, macrocytic anemia and depression. It is a multifactorial disease associated with numerous nutritional deficiencies as well as reproductive issues and increased risk to thyroid disease, kidney failure and cancer. Here, we propose that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide, Roundup®, is the most important causal factor in this epidemic . "...