Golden Princess Lilies

Monday, May 24, 2010

Que Sera, why worry?

Que Sera, Sera, what will be will be, so why worry?
Live each day as though it is the last day of your life! Live in the moment!
This is the message that bombards all of us in the here and now of 2010.
We can’t change the world so why bother to try to change it? Even religious leaders have been heard, in these modern times, to utter the phrase; ‘live in the moment’.
Is it prudent to live for the moment, and not care about tomorrow?
Is not caring about what tomorrow will bring what is meant by the phrase ‘live in the moment’?

I think it is not a good idea to live just in the moment without giving thought to what tomorrow will bring our way. If we don’t make the changes today that are necessary to secure our future, our tomorrows may never come. We may not be able to stop oil spills from happening but we should insist that Congress put into action laws that strengthen how wells, especially wells dug a mile deep on the ocean floor, are dug. Methods of drilling on land are not good enough methods for drilling in the ocean. Thinking ahead of what ‘could’ happen is what has to be the motto for any endeavor that is undertaken in difficult to reach places.

We can’t do anything about volcanoes that erupt and spew ash into the atmosphere blocking out the sun’s rays stopping sunlight from reaching the earth.

Scientists have posed the theory that it was a massive volcanic eruption, thousands of years ago, that blocked the suns radiation from reaching the surface of the earth, the earth cooled, green plants couldn’t produce chlorophyll so they died off, animals that fed off the plants died off from lack of food, and animals who fed on the plant eating animals, died off because they had nothing to eat. Volcanic eruptions that spew ash into the atmosphere miles above our heads, thus blocking out the sun, is a happening that we can’s do anything to stop from happening. Perhaps in this case we can say; “Que sera, sera, what will be, will be.”

Back when I was born in May 1944, the world was no longer innocent. Two world wars had been fought. Millions of innocent beings had been led to their deaths in Europe, not believing that other humans could do such things to other humans; to innocents. Greed was at the center of both of these wars. Greed for more, and desire of what others have was what fueled both world wars.

Greed is what fuels what goes on today in Africa where male children as young as seven years old and upward in age to the teens, are kidnapped from peaceable villages where they were raised by loving parents, trained to be soldiers by the kidnappers, and forced to fight to the death against others whom they have no grievance against. Is this behavior of kidnapping innocents and forcing them to work for nothing any different for Africans today from the time, long ago, when these people were kidnapped by their own, sold as slaves to Europeans in return for gold coins, and shipped to far off lands where they were forced to work for others but never shared in the gifts that came from their labors. Is it any different today, in the here and now of 2010?

To the victors go the spoils. Is that phrase familiar to you? It means simply that those who win take all that had belonged to those they have vanquished, killed in the battle. This is the same today as it was two thousand years ago when the spoils of war were simpler real property, wearable and useable art, stores of and fields of eatable grain.

Will we humans ever learn that we are all here by the grace of God, and it is His Will to determine if we will survive to live our tomorrows. It is by God’s grace that we are still here today; but be warned, volcanic eruptions, oil spills, earthquakes and tornadoes are all within God’s will to control. How many warnings will He give us before we all stop being so greedy and start sharing with those of his children that have less than we do?

Que sera, sera, what will be, will be.

Copyright © 2010 by Carol Garnier Dutra

1 comment:

  1. My first post on my personal blog, and it was inspired by a license plate that I saw on a car yesterday. The plate read WHY WRY. I wondered at the time if the young lady driving the car was referring to her personal philosophy in life or if she was referring to her car being one that is quite small, so why worry about how small it is on the road compared to all the super sized, gas guzzling, monster cars that are on the road everywhere today.

    To me 'why worry', made me think about all that is happening today that scares me to think about, that I, that no one has any control over, like the volcano in Iceland that has been erupting, spewing volcanic ash throughout European skies; disrupting air traffic. Then I thought about all the things in life that we do have control over, and my thoughts went to all the suffering in the world that each of us can do something about.
    Carol Garnier Dutra
